Mr Lieto is a holder of an MSc Degree in Strategic Management from
Chinhoyi University of Technology (2015), and a BSc in Politics and Administration obtained from the University of
Zimbabwe in 1989.
He was seconded to the Land Tenure Commission chaired by Professor Mandivamba Rukuni as part of the Secretariat in
November 1993. Mr Jonathan Lieto is a renowned and accomplished administrator who has worked as an Administrator
for twenty-five years (25) at the University of Zimbabwe. He was the Examinations Officer at the University of
Zimbabwe from 2003 to 2020 before joining MUAST. In his capacity as Examinations Officer at UZ, Mr Lieto visited a
number of regional institutions and conducted some comparative studies on the management of examinations and academic
policies. These studies saw him visiting the University of Kwazulu Natal (UKZN), University of Pretoria (UP),
University of Capetown (UCT), University of North West (UNW) and the Cairo University (Egypt). During his time at
the University of Zimbabwe, Mr Lieto was appointed Acting Deputy Registrar, Academic for the period October 2016
to November 2017.
In his working life as an Administrator, Mr Lieto worked in the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education as a
Teacher and in the Ministry of Political Affairs as an Administrative Officer and the then Ministry of Lands,
Agriculture, and Water Development as a Senior Administrative Officer.
In September 2020 Mr Lieto was appointed Founding Registrar of Marondera University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology (MUAST).
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