The Climate Change and Food Security Institute is an interdisciplinary academic institute at MUAST established to address key, international challenges - in this case, the food security in the face of climate change. Climate change will affect food security through its impacts on all components of global, national and local food systems. Climate change will affect the four dimensions of food security defined as “availability” of enough and quality food, “access” to nutritious and adequate food by individuals, “utilisation” of food to meet all socio-physiological needs and “stability” of availability, accessibility, and utilization of food.
The CCFSI fosters learning and discovery through excellence in basic and applied research, education and service that addresses local and global needs, and contributes research- based knowledge to make a difference in people's lives. The Institute works with MUAST Faculties, Academic Directorates and partners to discover, develop and deliver innovative solutions to achieve food security. CCFSI investigations inform predictions for future climate change-based food security upon an understanding of the full dynamic range of the natural climate system and the evolving dramatic influence of human activity.
Our Vision
To be a leading institute in the development of climate resilient, transformative, and sustainable, participatory research-based solutions that enhance nutrition, health, livelihoods, and the environment through improved food systems.
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